Frame Adjusting and Repair

Duration: 3 hours

Statistics show that up to 93% of patients consider the ability to fit glasses well as their most important need from a dispenser.   This clearly suggests that dispensers need to be skilled in the art of eyewear adjusting and fitting, and patient comfort is the key to happier patients.  This course will cover all adjustments from bench alignment to the final touches as well as basic repairs enabling staff to better assist patients. 

Part 1 Standard Alignment

  • The importance of starting in basic alignment
  • Steps of alignment
  • Hands on practice

Part 2 Frame Adjustments

  • The importance of all basic adjustments
  • Visual impact of poorly fitted eyewear
  • Describing importance of alignment to the patient
  • Tips to correct adjustments
  • Hands on practice

Part 3 Troubleshooting

  • Common patient complaints
  • Using adjustments to solve them

Part 4 Frame Repairs

  • Why keep repairs in the office
  • Patient educating and cautioning
  • What to charge for repairs
  • Hands on practice

Taking the extra steps at the time of dispensing will result in less time spent re-adjusting glasses and saving the inconvenience of a patient having to return due to a poor initial fitting.  Perfect adjustments the first time inspires the patient confidence in the entire staff and their abilities and excitement to tell others about their wonderful experience they had at your practice.

Let’s take your dispensers’ skills to the next lever contact us to book your free consultation with the practice whisperer.